Tuesday, January 2, 2024
2024 has been quiet around our cabin. Christmas decorations are packed away, and I ventured to Wal-Mart this morning. The skies were winter gray and the air was cool, perfect weather for reading and writing by the fire.
Stephanie is attending a work conference in Anaheim, CA later this month, and she invited me to tag along. I’m excited and a little nervous about the trip. I’ll be in the hotel room writing most of the time, but Ray booked me a ticket for a sightseeing bus tour. The bus boards at our hotel, and I’ll have to find my way back to the bus at every stop. I’m directionally challenged, and I’m reminded of a UT Austin weekend trip with the journalism class in high school. That’s an expansive campus for a small-town girl. My friend and I got lost and were late returning to the bus. Our punishment was banishment to our hotel, and we missed dinner at an upscale restaurant like Medieval Times. Hopefully, this trip will end better. Besides, I’m an adult with a charge card now, and I can always take an Uber back to the hotel and not tell anyone.
Friday, January 5, 2024
Snow fell on our way home from picking Matt up from Springfield Airport this morning. We have a beautiful white covering, but I’m attending the Springfield Writer’s Guild Write-In in the morning. It’s the best day of the year. Six hours of writing in a room full of writers! The creative energy is inspiring. I hope I can get out of our driveway. I might have to miss the morning and go for the afternoon.
Matt had a great time in Florida. He says we would love Key West. We probably would, but it’s super expensive to stay there. He snorkeled with sharks. If we go, shark snorkeling won’t be on our agenda.
Friday, January 12, 2024
Lightning woke me up around midnight. No thunder, but the strong wind and hail hitting the window kept me awake for a while. You never heard of tornadoes in December until recently. Now it seems tornado season lasts year-round. One hit North Carolina two days ago. Snow fell off and on all day and temperatures have plummeted. Sunday’s high is predicted to be 11, and church has already been called off. I love canceled plans.
My California trip is up in the air right now. Someone is retiring in two weeks at Stephanie’s job, so staffing shortages may force her to postpone her conference. Both my flight and bus tour are refundable. But I may be a little sad if the trip is canceled.
Saturday, January 20, 2024
The California trip was canceled, and Waylon’s birthday party has been postponed due to Covid. They are all recovered now. I feel like my whole life has been canceled. It’s cold, and more cold is on the way. But at least the sun is shining today.
I’m on a writing streak. I’ve been writing every day this year. My first fiction is almost ready for editing. I’ve started a new story and begun reading a book on the craft. Winter’s cold and quiet are good for scribes.
I’m trying to figure out better ways for menu planning—something that works for me, so I’ll stick with it. If I can spend less time in the kitchen, I’ll have more time for writing.
A cat was on the porch last night. At least, we think it was a cat and not a raccoon. We didn’t turn on the porch light because we didn’t want to disturb it. A temperature check showed it was fourteen degrees out, so I want to build an insulated cat house. I can’t put food out at night since it’s pretty wild around here.
Tuesday, January 30, 2024
The rain finally stopped, and it’s day two of sunshine and pleasant temperatures. We’ve been working on taxes and this year’s budget. Bad timing, since today is the day I was scheduled to leave for California. I’m kind of down about it all. We go to Texas this weekend for Waylon’s birthday, so that should cheer me.